ePrivacy and GPDR Cookie Consent by Cookie Consent Electronic consent

Mon-Fri 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. [we 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.] Office: | +49 1515 0722181 | office@tia-escort.de

Mon-Fri 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. [we 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.] Office: | +49 1515 0722181 | office@tia-escort.de

Electronic consent

In submitting this form I agree to my personal data and details being used and processed for the purpose of processing my request for Tia Escort, provider of www.tia-escort.de.
I have been informed that I can withdraw this agreement at any time without any disadvantage and that I am able to read back my agreement at any time under  https://www.tia-escort.de /en/elektronische-einwilligung/ .
I am aware of the fact that due to the traceability, the act of agreement itself will be logged. The provider www.tia-escort.de has assured me that my data protection interests are guaranteed without any limitations and that there will be no transfer my data to third parties and individual-related data will only be transferred to third parties or otherwise, if this is necessary for the establishment, implementation or conclusion of a contractual obligation.